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Pronouncing uncommon
Filipino words

The english term of Balakid is OBSTACLE, it is a thing that blocks one's way or prevents it to progress.


An obstacle is an object, thing, action or situation that causes an obstruction. Different types of obstacles include physical, economic, biopsychosocial, cultural, political, technological and military.

The english term of pook-sapot is WEBSITE, it is a place on the World Wide Web that contains information about a person, organization, etc., and that usually consists of many Web pages joined by hyperlinks.

The english term of Yakis is TO SHARPEN, it is means to make (something) sharp or sharper.




My group has created a website titled FilipiKnow we're you can learn diffrent kinds of filipino words that are rarely used.


If you are interested in learning different kinds of uncommon filipino words please visit our website click on the botton below thank you!

Petition to Reduce Landfill Waste Through Recycled Art

This petition aims to reduce landfill waste by promoting the use of recycled items in creating art and decorations. By repurposing recyclables, we can minimize landfill accumulation and make better use of available resources. Overflowing garbage not only pollutes the environment but also contributes to respiratory ailments. Let's take action to repurpose recyclables, minimize landfill waste, and protect our environment.


If you are interested please signed the petition click on the button below.





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